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Delphi International

About Us
At A Glance
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Delphi International Software, Inc. was formed in 1993 as a business-to-business and business-to-consumer computer consulting company with the mission to become a systems architecture and professional services provider to strategic enterprise and web services providers.

Delphi has worked with long time partners, such as the California State Automobile Association, to provide superior strategic consulting, infrastructure design, information technology, procurement and outsourcing services. By building on a disciplined process for evaluating the business case, prioritizing functionality, determining measures of success, and designing the behavior and communication principles ("look and feel") of the target product or service, Delphi International has improved client branding, sales, marketing, programs and products. Delphi consulting services lower the risk and maximize the return on investment for solutions of all kinds.

Delphi is an expert in deployments involving all Web Services, Java 2 Enterprise Edition or .Net application environments. All architectures adhere to open standards and allow components to be offered commercially as Web Services.

For the past twelve years, our work has resulted in continuing professional recognition for excellence and innovation.


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